Wikichan is everything you need!
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Age 33, Male
Manchester MI
Joined on 1/5/05
Wikichan is everything you need!
I haven't visited Wikichan yet. I shall do so soon. :)
Hating 4Chan for nothing is stupid
but let's try to keep 4chan on 4chan k
Meh, I'm not really the one bringing it here. I'm just stating truth.
Alright, then go to 4chan and don't come back.
No thanks. I enjoy the Newgrounds community more than 4chan, I go to 4chan when I want to laugh, I come to Newgrounds when I want to bitch at idiots who can't do anything right.
So so, doens't that make you a egotistical fag that the only reason you want to go to this site is to piss people off and think you are cool. And I have been to 4chan and I think it is stupid, as well that everyone is anonymous, so anyone can do anything. There are no rules on 4chan, it is a peice of shit. And you are simply going on another bandwagon, but don't call me ignorant, you falsly arrogant S.O.B.
Why aren't you the mature little guy. What you have there is an opinion, nothing more. Call me an egotistical, arrogant, S.O.B faggot if you will, it's the internet, I could care less.
I mean come on guys, the internet is serious fucking business, this guy shows it.
You do understand you are thinking that just because you are being told, right. I go to newgrounds forum because it is funny, and atlesast unlike 4chan it isn't as filled with hentai and just porn.
No, I hated 4chan because that's what I was being told. I like 4chan because I actually got off my brainwashed ass and went to check it out for myself. You're ignorant to think you know why I think the things I do.